Biodiversity/Protected Areas Courses:
These courses are designed for EMIs operating in the biodiversity/protected areas sectors.
These courses either focus on specialised topics; such as Biodiversity Crime Scene Management; or deal with the legislation applicable to the “green” sub-sector: for example; the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004; Lists of critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and protected species; GN R151 of 23 February 2007; Threatened or protected species regulations; GN R152 of 23 February 2007; National norms and standards for the management of elephants in South Africa; GN 251 of 29 February 2008; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Regulations; GN R173 of 5 March 2010; Norms and standards for the marking of rhinoceros and rhinoceros horn; and for the hunting of rhinoceros for trophy hunting purposes; GN 304 of 10 April 2012; Prohibited trade in certain Encephalartos; GN 371 of 14 May 2012; Alien and Invasive Species Regulations; GN R1020 of 25 September 2020 and Bioprospecting; Access and Benefit-Sharing Amendments Regulations; GN R447 of 19 May 2015.